Google Business Profile: How to Optimize Your Business Listing?

Google Business Profile is one of the most valuable, yet underestimated assets of your business. Google my business free service lets you provide your business information and can help connect your business to the customers. …

Google’s Helpful Content Algorithm Update in 2022: How to Overcome?

Google Helpful Content Algorithm is one of the most significant updates made by Google in 2022. The Google Helpful Content Update 2022 aims to provide users with more relevant and informative content when they search…

Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends For B2B Businesses You Can’t Ignore

Everyone in today’s world is running behind trends. It does not matter what product or service you sell; you can easily connect with your audience as long as you have a presence on the internet.…

How to use social media to connect with customers and grow your business?

Social media has become an integral part of the business world, and for good reason. It’s a powerful tool for businesses to connect with customers, increase brand awareness, and ultimately, grow their business. In the…

How to Use PPC to Increase Sales and Traffic for Chemical Industry

The chemical industry is finally coming around to accepting Digital Marketing as more of a necessity than a fancy marketing technique. Digital Marketing for chemical industry covers most of the ways in which one can…

B2B Digital Marketing Trends to Follow in 2023

The world of digital marketing is ever-changing, and it’s important to stay ahead of the curve if you want to remain competitive in the coming years. As we are already in 2023, there are certain…

How does Google’s Spam Algorithm Update Of October 2022 Work?

Using search engine spam is the practice of artificially boosting the visibility of certain websites or pages. Recently, Google updated its algorithms to combat spam. In its AI-based spam prevention system, SpamBrain identifies and penalizes…

Using Social Media Effectively: Do’s and Don’ts

Social media has become a space for companies to market themselves as brands. And they are taking it very seriously. But from time to time, there have been slip-ups, and the companies have learned from…

How to create a successful B2B digital marketing campaign?

The concept of digital marketing took afloat years back when brands realised the power the internet had. With people moving from traditional sources of entertainment, like TV, to social media platforms, the targeting for ads…

What is Google Product reviews Update September 2022? What impact does it have on e-commerce websites?

Google’s Algorithm Updates have always managed to stir up conversations on social platforms.  These updates, sometimes random, have managed to both excite and annoy the SEO community.  What exactly is this update, and what impact…